Our Impact

2012: Pediatric Priority Review Voucher &
2017: RACE for Children Act

Our Programs

Climb the Hill Days

Kids v Cancer brings kids and young adults with cancer, survivors and siblings to Capitol Hill, in-person and by zoom, to tell their stories of pediatric cancer.

• Leave your parents and teachers behind

• Be the voice of childhood cancer

• Change the world

Questions? call: jenn@kidsvcancer.org

Childhood Cancer Policy Institute

Opportunities for Combinations of New Cancer Drugs to be Studied in Children
Give Kids a Chance Act: Pediatric cancer studies of combinations of targeted adult cancer therapies, the most likely path to new cures for children with cancer.

Incentives for Drug Development Expressly for Children
Pediatric Priority Review Voucher Program: Pediatric priority review voucher program to incentivize drug development for life threatening illnesses in children.

Requirements for New Cancer Drugs to be Studied in Children
RACE for Children Act: Pediatric cancer studies of single adult cancer therapies for children.

Our Awards